test your knowledge by naming all of the scouts below.
Sailor Moon R: Salor Moon R is basically the beginning of Sailor Moon, it introduces the characters and explains the past, present and future, the enemys are Jedite, Nephlite, Zoysite, Malakite, Queen Beryl, Allen, Ann, Prizma, Avery, Katzi, Bertie, Emerald, Sapphire, Wise Man, Black Lady, Diamond and The Doom Phantom. The ya re the main ones there is tons of extra badguys like the Doom and Bloom Girls. But basically they are the enemys they fight. The sailor scouts the appear are Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus. They make up the Inner Senshi.
They fight along side Tuxedo Mask and a small girl called Chibi-Usa.
Sailor Moon S:
Sailor Moon S is the following series to Sailor Moon R. It contains, Mistress Nine, Pharoah Ninety, Dr Tomoe, Kallonite and the new sailor scouts to appear are Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Pluto they make up the outer senshi. Also Chibi-Usa becomes Sailor Chibi Moon is also in it with Tuxedo Mask.

Sailor Moon Super S:
The following series to Sailor Moon S it contains, Nephernia, Fish Eye, Tiger Eye and Hawk Eye to make up the Amazon Trio, Cere Cere, Jun Jun, Para Para and Beth Beth who make up the Amazon Quartet. The new sailor Scouts is Sailor Saturn, Tuxedo mask also helps still.br>

Sailor Stars:
Sailor Stars is the final series of the Sailor Moon masterpiece.
The enemys are Sailor Alluminum Siren, Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Tin Cat and Sailor Galaxia. The new Sailor Scouts are Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon and the Starlights who are, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor star Fighter and Sailor Star Maker and Princess Kakyuu.
Tuxedo Mask doesn't help out as he is destroyed at the beggining.